Mengenal Machine Learning Dengan Teknik Supervised Dan Unsupervised Learning Menggunakan Python
Abstrak: Machine learning merupakan sistem yang mampu belajar sendiri untuk memutuskan sesuatu tanpa harus berulangkali diprogram oleh manusia sehingga komputer menjadi semakin cerdas berlajar dari pengalaman data yang dimiliki. Berdasarkan teknik pembelajarannya, dapat dibedakan supervised learning menggunakan dataset (data training) yang sudah berlabel, sedangkan unsupervised learning menarik kesimpulan berdasarkan dataset. Input berupa dataset digunakan pembelajaran mesin untuk menghasilkan analisis yang benar. Permasalahan yang akan diselesaikan bunga iris (iris tectorum) yang memiliki bunga bermaca-macam warna dan memiliki sepal dan petal yang menunjukkan spesies bunga, dibutuhkan metode yang tepat untuk pengelompokan bunga-bunga tersebut kedalam spesiesnya iris-setosa, iris-versicolor atau iris-virginica. Penyelesaian digunakan Python yang menyediakan algoritma dan library yang digunakan membuat machine learning. Penyelesaian dengan teknik supervised learning dipilih algoritma KNN Clasiffier dan teknik unsupervised learning dipilih algoritma DBSCAN Clustering. Hasil yang diperoleh Python menyediakan library yang lengkap numPy, Pandas, matplotlib, sklearn untuk membuat pemrograman machine learning dengan algortima KNN memanggil from sklearn import neighbors termasuk teknik supervised, maupun DBSCAN memanggil from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN termasuk teknik unsupervised learning. Kemampuan Python memberikan hasil output sesuai input dalam dataset menghasilkan keputusan berupa klasifikasi maupun klusterisasi.Kata kunci: DBSCAN, KNN, machine learning, python.
Abstract: Machine learning is a system that is able to learn on its own to decide something without having to be repeatedly programmed by humans so that computers become smarter in learning from the experience of the data they have. Based on the learning technique, supervised learning can be distinguished using a dataset (training data) that is already labeled, while unsupervised learning draws conclusions based on the dataset. The input in the form of a dataset is used by machine learning to produce the correct analysis. The problem to be solved by iris flowers (iris tectorum), which has flowers of various colors and has sepals and petals that indicate the species of flowers, requires an appropriate method for grouping these flowers into iris-setosa, iris-versicolor or iris-virginica species. The solution is used by Python, which provides the algorithms and libraries used to make machine learning. The solution with the supervised learning technique was chosen by the KNN Clasiffier algorithm and the unsupervised learning technique was selected by the DBSCAN Clustering algorithm. The results obtained by Python provide a complete library of numPy, Pandas, matplotlib, sklearn to create machine learning programming with KNN algorithms calling from sklearn import neighbors including supervised techniques, and DBSCAN calling from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN including unsupervised learning techniques. Python's ability to provide output according to the input in the dataset results in decisions in the form of classification and clustering.
Keywords: DBSCAN, KNN, machine learning, python.
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[14], “UCI Machine Learning Repository: Iris Data Set.†[Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11-Nov-2020].
How to Cite
Mengenal Machine Learning Dengan Teknik Supervised Dan Unsupervised Learning Menggunakan Python.
BINA INSANI ICT JOURNAL, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 156-165, dec. 2020.
ISSN 2527-9777.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 28 nov. 2024.
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